NASA chief says ‘secretive’ China is hiding military projects in space

China is hiding secret military activity in space, NASA chief Bill Nelson has claimed. “We believe that a lot of their so-called civilian space programme is a military programme,” he told the House Committee on Appropriations on Wednesday. “China has made extraordinary strides, especially in the last 10 years, but they are very, very secretive,” […]

NASA returns sample from asteroid Bennu to Earth

A NASA capsule carrying the largest sample ever collected from an asteroid has returned to Earth. The capsule, which landed in the Utah desert at 3.52pm, contained around 250g of rocks and dust collected from asteroid Bennu as part of NASA’s Osiris-Rex mission. Experts say the carbon-rich, near-Earth asteroid serves as a time capsule from […]

NASA taking ‘concrete action’ to explore UFOs after landmark report

NASA is taking “concrete action” to explore the potential threat of UFOs following the release of a landmark report into the phenomena. The agency’s administrator, Bill Nelson, said it was time to “shift the conversation from sensationalist to science”, having received the recommendations of an independent panel tasked with looking into years of sightings. While […]