Shane Santacroce is Changing the Game in the World of NTFs. Find Out More Below.
Shane Santacroce is more than meets the eye. As someone who has decades of experience in the real estate industry, he never slowed down in his field. He is giving back by teaching people in the community all that he has learned throughout his years in the business. “Entering the field of real estate, just […]
Meet Shane SantaCroce: The Passionate Founder Of The SantaCroce Model Group And Skilled Talent Manager, Entrepreneur, And Mentor
Shane SantaCroce operates his talent management business just like he does as a father – with passion. In fact, his introduction to talent management was through his own daughter, and surprisingly, just out of necessity. Following a 20 year track record as a results-oriented entrepreneur with sales, marketing, strategic planning, and leadership skills, his daughter, […]