Andreina Bravo Is One Of The Best Ecuadorian Artists Who Is Breaking Barriers All Over The World! Check Out More Information Below.

While every country has its own ways of communicating, there’s only one language we can all understand: the language of music. We don’t even need words to understand what music is saying. When the music is being played, it seems everyone understands what’s coming out of the speakers as they move in unison. In a time of deep divisions music stands to be the magnetism that is able to draw humanity together.

Music creates social cohesion, it speaks to all when words can fail, and wherever you go in the world, it is understood. Music is a universal gift and its power to connect people is without question. It is an art form with human interaction at its center.

Andreina Bravo understood the huge impact that music has on our lives a long time ago. She is an Ecuadorian singer, actress, influencer and model, who from a very young age began to show a deep love for music.

“I have always liked music, since I was little I used to sing at school.  In the family I loved participating in my aunts’ karaokes and singing along with them, but it wasn’t until  2019 that I dared to take the step, get out of my comfort zone and start a career in the music industry”, Andreina shares.

She consolidated her career as a singer with the release of “Te Disfruté”, her first urban pop single released in 2019. In December of the same year she released a second single, called “Jungla”. Later, In 2021 she released the amazing hit “Bandolera”, which was a complete success! Currently, Andreina is considered one of the best artists from Ecuador in Latin America and the world.

“I started my career in music because I’m passionate about it, when I’m in the studio I feel alive. Working on something that makes you happy is wonderful. I am very proud of myself because I dared to be different and to trust my abilities”, she adds.

But of course, not everything has been easy during her journey. Quite the opposite. Andreina had to deal with many people’s negative opinions and disapproval, as well as with all the challenges that come with starting a business in an industry as competitive as the music one.

“First they criticize you, and then you become a trend. Being different from others causes a lot of noise in society, they are not used to someone getting out of the norm, and that’s what happened to me. But I never stopped and I always dreamed big!”, Andreina explains.

She is characterized by always being herself and never losing her essence, no matter how famous she is. Andreina is also an extremely hard-working woman who never takes no for an answer. She is passionate, tireless and very dreamy, with a great gift for music and acting. During his career, she has earned the affection of thousands of people, who support all her releases and projects!

“I don’t compare myself to anyone, I think I have no competition out there. I focus on me and on my progress. I strive to understand my mistakes, in order to not to repeat  them again. I am inspired by others to achieve all my goals”, Andreina details.

She also advises all people who are starting their business or brand to follow their intuition and to be creative. Andreina believes that every business owner should first learn a lot about the industry they’re entering, get involved and commit to the maximum with their business, that is key to success!

She is stepping into 2023 with big goals and aspirations, as Andreina describes them below:

“My main objective is to become international, so that people from all around the world can hear more from this Ecuadorian girl who is breaking barriers and fulfilling all her musical goals. I love that life always surprises me, but I’m always working with perseverance and discipline. 2023 will be full of music!”

To find out more about Andreina, follow her on Instagram here!

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