Meet Jeremy Anderson: The Man Behind An Educational Consulting Firm That Is Changing The Lives Of Thousands Of People In The United States And South Africa

Jeremy Anderson is a person of extraordinary feelings, who has struggled a lot throughout his life. When he was a child, he was diagnosed with ADHD and soon after, started to struggle with drug and alcohol abuse as well as repeated arrests.

“By the grace of God, I finally got my act together. After my third school for the ninth grade I met a group of teachers who refused to give up on me. Soon I reached my correct grade, became part of the student government, and graduated from high school on time. I went to college and got a bachelor’s degree in social work, then I went to graduate school, and got a master’s degree.” Jeremy recounts.

Today, Jeremy and his wife Traci use their story and experiences to inspire millions of people. They left their full-time jobs, leaving behind their health care and great benefits to pursue their passion for public speaking.

“I knew that my story would inspire millions of people around the world, but I had to be willing to take some risks and make some necessary sacrifices to make others better. That risky leap of faith paid off in a big way!” Jeremy shares.

Through his work, Jeremy is able to inspire a whole new generation of students and teachers around the world. He has published seven books, and has had the privilege of traveling the world meeting with students and teachers. 

“I have spoken throughout the Americas, and even in countries such as Banglore India, Johannesburg, Cape Town South Africa, Melbourne and Sydney Australia, Bermuda and the Grand Cayman Islands, to name a few.” Jeremy comments.

Jeremy is the CEO of the Jeremy Anderson Group, LLC, which is an educational consulting firm. Over the years they have worked with hundreds of schools across the country and abroad. With his work, Jeremy has emerged as one of the leading motivational speakers in the education field. 

“Schools bring me in to motivate and inspire their students. Students relate to me because of my realistic style and powerful presentation. I have been gifted with the ability to touch the hearts and minds of those in my audience. My message of overcoming adversity, the power of hard work, and taking responsibility is one that students respect and can identify with.” Jeremy explains.

Aside from this, Jeremy has always had high goals set for himself. Back in 2018, he became determined to reach and inspire one million students. He then traveled around like never before and by December, he was able to meet the goal.

Through his travels, Jeremy also connects with teachers, for whom he has deep respect. In fact, various schools throughout the country bring him into their facilities to train and motivate their teachers. 

My staff’s professional development for educators is one that will make them laugh, cry and feel inspired. I have a deep passion for educators because I remember how they changed my life. I really feel that the teachers are heroes.” Jeremy states.

Furthermore, as a result of the success Jeremy has achieved through his motivational talks and speeches in the States and other countries around the world, he has been able to diversify his financial investment portfolio.

My wife and I have decided to diversify our financial investment portfolio. We started our trucking company, Next Level Trucking, Co. We have 18 trucks moving cargo throughout the Southeast.” Jeremy shares.

But the truth is that Jeremy does not stop there. He and his wife Traci also created and run a non-profit organization that helps the less fortunate in the United States and also in South Africa. 

My wife Traci and I have always had a passion to help the less fortunate. We have our non-profit organization here in the U.S. as well as in South Africa, where we feed children in impoverished communities on a regular basis. We also sponsor children in schools, and we sponsor faith-based events.” Jeremy says.

Although many people think Jeremy is just a motivator, he goes beyond that. He disseminates messages, programs and curricula that have the capacity to change the direction of people’s lives. 

“Educators are overworked and underpaid, and I have the perfect message and program that can give them the boost they need to give their kids the best of themselves.” Jeremy adds.

Moreover, Jeremy not only uses his gift to reach the souls of millions of people, but through his trucking company, he also manages to make a difference in thousands of lives by using the money he earns to invest in scholarships to sponsor and feed children in the States and South Africa.

If you want to find out more about Jeremy, click here.

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