Meet Mauro Poblete Donoso: An Investor and Networker Who Helped Found Bnefit, a Fintech Company Helping People Understand Crypto

The world has been changing in many aspects at a surprising pace and even more since the emergence of the internet, which opened the doors to new possibilities for things like sending messages, meeting new cultures, new people and new currencies.

That is the case of cryptocurrencies, which have become for many people a means to safeguard their assets from possible depreciation and also a way to purchase goods or pay for services without having to go through a bank agency.

So much has been the change and the importance of the cryptocurrency industry that there are even countries like El Salvador that have adopted Bitcoin as a legal tender, besides the many large and small companies that accept payments in cryptocurrencies.

But as a result of all the above, it is necessary to be informed and have the knowledge to manage crypto assets. Thankfully, there are some companies that are dedicated to this such as Bnefit, of which Mauro Poblete Donoso, an Investor and Networker, is a founder and Diamond Chairman.

Mauro has spent the last 15 years working in the digital business world as a networker. During that time he worked for five companies where he achieved high ranks and developed teams of more than 18,000 people in Latin America and Europe.

Currently, Mauro is part of the founders and an advisor to Bnefit, a fintech company that owns crowdfunding directly aimed at education in Cryptocurrencies and wealth generation. They are a corporation of collective benefit where ordinary people, without knowledge and with little capital can access to the biggest trend in the world: crypto-assets. 

“In a nutshell Bnefit is a community of people willing to learn about the new economy, to capitalize on the Cryptocurrency market, through a public benefit blockchain.” Mauro explains.

After working in different companies, Mauro realized that not all people generate income and in his desire to serve and help people in view of the havoc that the Covid pandemic has meant for many people, he decided along with the other founders of Bnefit to create a company that could deliver a real and tangible opportunity to people of all social statuses. 

“That’s why we created Bnefit so that people who were locked at home, unemployed and wanting to get ahead, would have the opportunity to generate income and thus cope with the chaotic times. Now there are thousands of people generating money online, educating themselves and benefiting from Cryptocurrencies.” Mauro shares.

Mauro differs from other people who may also be involved in similar ventures or businesses, in the fact that he is an unstoppable and disciplined person with a fighter charisma.

“I am clear about where I come from and above all where I am going. I am daring and I like to take risks. My preparation over the years has made me a mentally strong person and above all with the desire to impact people’s lives.” He says.

Mauro’s goals include helping more than one million people achieve financial freedom within the next five years. He would also like more than 1,000 people involved in Bnefit to become millionaires so they can reach every corner of the planet, impacting the lives of millions of families.

Learn more about Bnefit and Mauro here.

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