Enjoy Oral Surgery at a Reasonable Price With Cima Oral Surgery: The Dental Clinic Based in Tijuana, Mexico, That Provides High Quality Services With Cutting-Edge Technology

Dental health is an indispensable part of our overall health. In fact, unlike other illnesses and ailments, experiencing any oral problems is not too easy to ignore. It can affect our mood for the entire day significantly. We’d need to find a trusted dental clinic and dentist to help us get through it. Most importantly, this clinic should provide quality dental treatments whenever or wherever we need it, with high quality standards.

This is when Cima Oral Surgery comes in! The business is a successful clinic of dental specialties, including oral surgery and implantology, periodontics, oral dentures, dentures on implants, orthodontics, pediatric dentistry and dental radiology center based in Tijuana, Mexico.

Founded by Manuel Alejandro Gonzalez and his wife, the clinic provides quality treatments and state-of-the-art technology at incredibles, very competitive prices within the industry. They decided to start their own clinic to offer all their patients effective treatments, in less time, with more technology and at affordable prices.

“We also wanted to be able to offer all our patients the convenience of a more up-to-date dental treatment with lower risk. Our main motivation is our patients. We like to pamper them, give them comfort, accessibility, health, trust and favorable costs”, Manuel explains.

During the covid 19 pandemic, a large sector of the society required specialized oral health care after being in forty for so long. Many people neglected their health, abandoned treatments or their dentists went bankrupt or disappeared. So, Manuel and his wife noticed this huge need and they decided to take the opportunity and created Cima Oral Surgery.

“Of course, we had to adapt to contagion control and prevention measures regarding the pandemic. Shortly after, the number of patients required the growth and development of the clinic. By January 2020 we already had our first clinic and throughout these two years we have made Cima Oral Surgery grow and evolve!”, Manuel shares.

The clinic manages to stand out from other similar businesses because they offer comprehensive services at very affordable prices, as well as latest generation diagnostics. In addition, they have specialists from all dental areas and their services are provided immediately, without having to wait days, weeks or months! Cima Oral Surgery accepts different forms of payment, such as health insurances, transfers and cash!

“We also have the convenience of having hotels near the area as well as pharmacies, groceries stores and more. We even have an exchange house next door! We are 15 minutes away from the San Ysidro border”, Manuel details.

What’s more, all of their doctors and team members are instructed to give all patients detailed and personalized attention through their diverse contact methods. Oral Cima Surgery has a family atmosphere, where the main concern will always be the patients, not the money!

“For a long time we were doctors who went from clinic to clinic, without having our own one, so we have plenty of experience! Therefore, we took the best of each clinic to create Cima Oral Surgery. We already have the knowledge, the technology, the patients and the infrastructure, we only have to give our best every day to continue standing out!”, Manuel adds.

He and his team members are currently working on expanding and growing the clinic, as well as in attracting the attention of international patients, since in Tijuana there is a lot of medical tourism. In fact, they have treated patients from all over the world, from the United States (California, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Las Vegas, New York, Texas, Alaska) to Canada, France, London, Israel, India, Korea and others!

“The medicine in Mexico is excellent and, compared to other countries, it is way less expensive, which is why many patients travel far away to be able to receive these services, both dental and medicine in general!”, Manuel details. 

To find out more about Cima Oral Surgery, check out their website here. You can also follow them on Instagram here.

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