Jeremy Anderson is the CEO of The Jeremy Anderson Group, LLC, an educational consulting firm. Over the years, they have worked with hundreds of schools around the country and abroad to inspire students into living their potential. Jeremy has been gifted with the ability to touch the hearts and minds of those in his audience, and has been brought to numerous schools to motivate and inspire their students. His message of overcoming adversity, the power of hard work, and taking ownership, is one that students respect and can relate to.
Jeremy’s mother had him at the young age of 16 and did the best she could to provide for him; however, Jeremy had a tough childhood. The absence of his biological father and a diagnosis of ADHD led Jeremy to a life involving drug & alcohol abuse, drug dealing, and repeated arrest. However, by the grace of God, Jeremy was able to get his act together with the help of some teachers that refused to give up on him. After catching up with his grade, becoming part of the student government, and graduating from high school on time, Jeremy went on to get his Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work and then a Master’s Degree. Despite his academic and life achievements at this point, Jeremy’s heart was still heavy seeing how the youth of today struggles with low self worth, addictions, and depression just like he did. This pushed Jeremy and his wife Traci to quit their full time jobs in order to focus on his passion for public speaking.
“I knew that my story would inspire millions around the globe, but I had to be willing to take a risk and make some necessary sacrifices for the enhancement of others. That risky leap of faith paid off in a major way!,” states Jeremy.
Today, Jeremy is the published author of 7 books and has been privileged to travel the world inspiring the next generation of students and their teachers. Over the years, Jeremy has emerged as one of the Top Motivational Speakers in the educational area. He has spoken all over America and even in countries like Banglore India, Johannesburg, and Cape Town South Africa, Melbourne and Sydney Australia, Bermuda, and the Grand Cayman Islands just to name a few.
“I love to set really high goals for myself, so in 2018 I set a goal to reach and inspire 1 Million Students. That year I traveled like never before, and by December the goal was met!,” shares Jeremy.
Jeremy has also traveled around the country training and motivating teachers in numerous schools. His staff professional development program for educators is one that will have them laughing, crying, and most importantly, feeling inspired. “I have a deep passion for educators because I remember how they changed my life. I truly feel like teachers are heroes,” states Jeremy. After succeeding at his goal of reaching 1 million students in 2018, Jeremy set out to inspire 1 million teachers in 2019, and met his goal by the end of the year.
“My deep desire to make an impact in the world is what moved us to start my public speaking and consulting career. Most people just think that I’m just a motivational speaker, but the work that I do is so much more than that. My messages, programs, and curriculums are changing the directory of countless lives, and their future generations. Educators are overworked and underpaid, and I have the perfect message and program that can give them the reboost that they need to give their kids their absolute best!,” shares Jeremy.
Because of his own experiences in school, Jeremy knows how important teachers are in shaping the lives of their students. In an act of appreciation, The Jeremy Anderson Group sent several teachers, and their guest of choice, around the country on an all expense paid vacation with Royal Caribbean. Check out this video to see how special this moment was.
The Jeremy Anderson Company has also developed a K-12 Character Curriculum called “Next Level Student.” This Social Emotional Learning Curriculum has been a game changer for schools all across the U.S. Who would have thought that the guy who was repeatedly told he wasn’t “high school material” would now be writing high school materials!
Additionally, Jeremy and his wife Traci have also developed their own non-profit organization as their way to help the less fortunate. Through this organization, they are able to feed kids in impoverished communities in the U.S., as well as in South Africa, sponsor kids in schools, and contribute to faith-based events.
“I’ve overcome so many obstacles in my life. We fought through the pain of losing 2 children, fought through depression, fought through addictions, fought through coming out of poverty, and repeated failure in school. In all that I go through, I know that I will get stronger from the experience. I’m able to smile in the midst of adversity because I believe that “my condition will not be my conclusion,” Jeremy shares.
Jeremy is dedicated to growing his success and having an impact on today’s youth, and the generations to come. In addition to working on the launch of the digital version of their SEL Character Curriculum, Jeremy just launched a Next Level Speakers Academy, where he trains and develops the next generation of speakers, so that they can continue to expand upon his work.
You can learn more about Jeremy through this video and follow him on Instagram here. For more information, you can also visit his website by clicking on the following link.