- Have an attitude of gratitude
It’s the currency of the universe! If only more people understood this. You want to resonate / vibrate at a higher frequency and gratitude is an essential part to this. I don’t care what your circumstances are, start your day every day by saying thank you.. I don’t care who to.. God Buhda.. your mother even! There were times in my life where I had nothing.. even being homeless, but I would thank god for the air in my lungs.. for the conversations I had with people. The fact that although I was poor, I had things this earth cannot provide. Like peace, love and hope.
Make a list if you find it hard.. guess what? you practice gratitude you will actually find you natural become a more thankful fulfilled person.
- Have a giving heart
Generosity will also tie into your mindset that I will touch on later. If you have a stingy mentality.. a scrape the lid approach a scarce philosophy towards life, then guess what? That is exactly what you will attract more of. Breaking this cycle is a tough one, because poverty breeds poverty, its like an infection. It causes divide, it sends people crazy if they lose it because they have a mantra that exclaims that there is not enough to go round. If lack is the disease then Generosity is the cure! I hear people say well.. I will be generous when I get enough to share! That’s not true, if you cant give 10 dollars out of every hundred dollars youre not going to give 100 thousand out of every million. My favourite book says “whoever can be trusted with very little can be entrusted with much”.
Learn to give, even when it hurts. Create the habit now.
- Don’t sweat the small stuff
Most times we worry about things we can’t control.. on top of that we give power to them by focusing on them. Sometimes this stops us from taking action, leading us to bigger problems down the road. The things you worried about a year ago, do they matter right now? Most often not! Yet we have a mentality that blows things out of proportion. How many times have we thought something bads going to happen and when it finally comes to it.. it wasn’t that bad? I mean.. you didn’t die
- Let it go
So that you can grow!! Forgive yourself and forgive those who have wronged you. You cant live a forward focused fulfilled life if your constantly looking backwards. Life is for living.. whatever happened.. its done. Get over it. We have this idea that if we forgive somebody we are letting them off the hook. The truth is, they are out there living their life not even thinking about you. Forgiveness is a strange one, the only person it effects is the person who doesn’t forgive. Yet we harbour such strong feelings towards people that get in the way of our living to our full potential. Bless the people hating on you. Bless those who have talked about you behind your back. Keep your heart pure and watch how quickly you start to manifest what you have been wishing praying for. If you want success, pray for your enemys to have success, it’s a powerful tool!
- Watch your words
Speak as if it were. We have to change our language. You have to speak from the perspective of a victor not a victim. As a man believes in his heart, so he is. What comes out of your mouth holds power and weight in this universe. Your tongue holds the power of life and death, you can use it to either bless or curse but you cant do both. Complaining is for the broke. Drop that negative desire to discuss people, to get involved in business that has nothing to do with you. And instead start speaking life over your situation and circumstances. See how quickly things begin to change.
- Keep your mind right
One of my favourite authors John maxwell says that if you can fix your mind you can do anything and places if as the most important skill to learn in life. Personally this has been one of my biggest struggles. The pain I felt from childhood has effected me for my entire life and was a large dominating factor as to why I couldn’t keep my mind right. Keep your mind on things above. Thoughts become things, make sure you’re manifesting the right things.
- Be the person now
Live out of a place of fulfilment. We live in a culture consumed by the chasing of perfection, the pursuit of success, the illusive end destination that promises happiness, when actually most people that have attained these things will tell you their best days were in the journey.
Try and live a life that speaks from a place of completion rather than lack. I don’t like the phrase fake it till you make it, as that has connotations of a lack of authenticity or perhaps dillusion. I prefer be it until you become it! Or state it until you make it! Start acting like the finished product and these learned behaviours will begin to transform your mind as well as your external circumstances. All of a sudden, you wont put up with that relationship that is toxic and does you no good, you wont allow friends to mistreat you. You will hold a higher bar of your self standards. All because your new perception of yourself is that of a victor no longer a victim.