How Luis “Striver” Oliver Took His Expertise In Tax Consulting And Used It To Create A Successful And Unique Business

Luis Striver is an Accredited Tax Consultant and Founder of “Strivers 1 Stop Consulting,” a tax consulting and financial literacy firm. Building this business has allowed Striver to help a lot of people, which has always been his passion. Dealing with taxes can be very stressful for many clients, however, Luis and his team are able to provide some relief through their professional services. 

At just 27 years of age, Luis has overcome a lot of adversities, however, this makes him stand out from the crowd and motivates him to keep pushing forward. In fact, Luis prides himself in his unique ability to learn from his mistakes and adapt to new challenges very quickly. 

“It’s my survival mode instinct & the ability to strive for whatever it is that I believe in that makes me unique,” says Luis. 

Striver recognizes that becoming an entrepreneur and starting a business is not an easy task, in fact, an entrepreneur’s life is not enviable, at least not in the beginning. While it may be easy to get discouraged when something goes wrong, it is easy to start doubting yourself and wondering if you should keep going. Hence, this is why Striver places such a big emphasis on a strong belief system and having the right mindset. 

“Having the right mindset when starting your business is one of the most important things in my view simply because everything starts in the mind. So when jumping into business you have to make sure you are doing it for the right reasons and not just the money because if you don’t love what you are doing, eventually when times get hard or you face adversity you won’t find the perseverance to keep going,” Luis shares. 

Through his own experiences, Striver has learned the importance of perseverance, despite any fears that may exist. In 2016, Luis almost quit the Tax Industry after he had certain complications and wasn’t earning the income he had envisioned. However, overcoming the fear he had in that moment has been one of his most important achievements, as it has led him to the successful life he lives today. Hence, Striver’s advice to those trying to start a business is to stick with it. When starting a business, there can be a lot of pressure and worry, so it is important to learn how to cope with it and create a balance. 

“NEVER GIVE UP! Even when challenges come which they will, you cannot give up because if you do you will never know what the outcome will be because you simply gave up. Even if you don’t have everything figured out, get yourself a mentor that has the success you want & learn from their mistakes so you can capitalize off of them and speed up your success,” says Striver. 

Striver prides himself in being able to develop this perseverance through his experiences, and always finds a way to make things work. This is also what differentiates him and his team from the competition – they bring a unique value to each client and go above and beyond to meet their needs. This is why the company’s slogan is “Tax Preparers Enter Data, But Tax Professionals Interpret Data.” In other words, Striver and his team don’t only educate clients on the process, but they also interpret the data that goes into the software. Thus allows them to help clients understand exactly why they are receiving a specific refund amount or why they have a balance due, and provide strategies on how to decrease their tax liability. Furthermore, Striver will also be focusing on helping his existing clients purchase their homes, as the team focuses on Credit Restoration & Real Estate services once tax season ends. 

It is because of his perseverance and personal experiences that Luis has been able to achieve financial freedom, and he encourages other entrepreneurs to push past their fears, so that they are able to live the life they want to live. 

“I didn’t come from a wealthy family, but one thing I learned from my experiences is that you have to make sacrifices for what you want in life and I know I will keep striving for greatness everyday and trying to elevate myself to the next level in every way, shape, and form possible. My biggest advice is just to JUMP! You’ll never know how far you can go if you never take that leap of faith,” shares Luis. 

To learn more about Luis Striver, follow him on Instagram here

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